The 8 Reasons Why The «Agile» Philosophy Succeeds In Companies

Globalization demanded a new labor philosophy. In this context, the ‘Agile’ philosophy arises, a paradigm shift in work organization that enhances speed and flexibility in the organizational process.

The main reason is that the concept of control disappears because the manager trusts the team.

Everything is closed. Meetings are spontaneous. What does someone need to know or share? She just gets up and talks to the partner. This transparent work motivates the workers, which means that there is no room for conflict. If there is one, instead of becoming entrenched, it is solved.

Fellowship. It is the key to this innovative model, which helps ensure that the rules to be followed for the project are agreed upon as a whole, which inevitably entails a personal interest in seeing that everything comes to fruition. A path that is achieved with well-defined times.

Why have companies like Apple, Spotify, Amazon, or the MASMOVIL Group opted for this work model? These are the 8 reasons for its success:

1. Customer-Centric:  Provides a focus on the real customer, in which the maxim of ‘The customer is at the center is not just a marketing claim. Each proposal or requirement goes through the same filter: “Does this add value to the client?” Resources, time and effort are only invested in those in which the answer is yes.

2. Committed management: It is vital to extract the full potential of Agile to have the trust and support of the management. For example, the director of the MASMOVIL Group‘s Digital HUB, Alberto Galaso, is one more member of his team. On one occasion, he said with humor and with sincerity that his office is “the place that is free when I arrive and every day is a different one.”

3. Professional skills: Emotional intelligence is a skill that develops thanks to transparent and respectful interaction. It also requires skills for good communication, formulating specific objectives, and the development of self-leadership.

4. Teams with concerns:  Talent and maturity are two determining factors for success. It is not easy to find talent, and even less so to find talented people who feel good in the work environment. For this reason, the most advanced companies in the country want all those interviewed to be self-taught with various focuses of interest: development of human teams, application of new technologies, art, innovation. Curiosity and the spirit of continuous improvement is a mark of Agile team water.

5. Technological help:  It is a priority for a company to have an infinity of online collaborative software that facilitates interaction between members. Fortunately, today’s technology helps the paradigm shift and allows members to connect in a different way, with more audiovisual records for more immediate and pleasant interactions.

6. There are no fixed formulas:  The formula for a successful implementation of the Agile culture is that there are no fixed formulas. Each team has to find its own and be willing to change them always with the lighthouse that guides the process very much in mind. Conformism does not contribute, and it contributes persistence and continuous improvement. There are no immovable laws; instead, there is adaptation and questioning. Continuous improvement.

7. Resistance ends up giving way:  The best way to deal with resistance is praxis. Do and check, live the process. Agile cannot be just a methodology, and it must be part of the group identity. It is in a deeper layer. If the philosophy is applied without having made a change of identity, it will not be sustainable for a long time. For this reason, in addition to using procedures and tools, the change of culture in a company’s teams must also be addressed.

8. Facilitating roles:  There are roles that serve to facilitate the smooth running of projects. Some of the most relevant are: the  Agile coach  (Approaching the philosophy to all strata of the company); Technical leader  (Team support point for the development and improvements in architectures and IT technologies); Business leader  (Figure that provides a strategic vision of the business as a whole); or the  Scrum Master  (Leader at the service of the team to improve its speed, stability and improve meetings).

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